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Communication - We Can Come From Truth Or We Can Lie - Our Choice Determines Our Happiness

Communication - We Can Come From Truth Or We Can Lie - Our Choice Determines Our Happiness



This is the means for the soul to develop. We bounce our current state of evolution against another, we get a response from them and we decide if we want to react to it by standing up in our false beliefs or standing up in truth.


When mink lashes we have fear of intimacy we encounter communication issues because we are often engaged in lashing out in anger or waging a silent war. Somewhere along the way we forget to have an open hearted conversation with full permission to be wrong and to be open to learn from everyone. The secret to ending war lies in these words. When we are open to being wrong we are not defensive and listen clearly without any filters set by our minds. This gives us the humility to recognize a profound teaching from anyone and not just from enlightened teachers.


How do you stand up for yourself when you have never done it before?


With love in your heart, observe what happened to make you feel not heard in a relationship. Evaluate if this is something that is core to your emotional well being. If it is important, communicate to the person what you have experienced, what you will no longer support and what your expectations are. Do this with love and thank the person for being your teacher in helping you to understand yourself better and to stand up to your truth. If the person does not honor your wishes, break the relationship fully, which will give the other time to think. Be open to the person coming back to you or not wanting to be with you again. When anxieties arise, do not dismay. Hold on to the angels, do your daily homework of unconscious dumping and hug yourself and repeat many times, "I love you and I bless you".


You are worthy of someone who truly honors you. Living a lie for fear of loneliness is a sure recipe for misery, which gets aggravated over time.


Communication is about honoring the other person's thoughts and providing the space for another to express them freely without fear. It is about coming from a heart open place in dealing with conflicts. When differences in opinions arise, we can let go of our ideas and go with another person's belief. It is not about being right; it is about being in the knowing. This does not mean we become a doormat. When we come from a heart open place, we will know when to walk away and when to stay. This knowledge will not be available when caught in a power struggle. When we relinquish all control, it becomes very easy to move with the flow. A dance takes place in silence and tremendous healing happens to those who interact with one who is grounded in the knowing of what is real.


Maya Vidhyadharan


Author "The Power of Illusion"